Breathing For Balance
A One Day Training In Balancing the Nervous System for Ultimate Wellbeing
Learn skills to cope with stress, fear, depression and anxiety in a safe place together with like-minded people.
When we are present to the events happening in our lives we can step back and respond instead of reacting with immediate emotion.
In this interactive training we learn how to read the body – knowing when to take action and when to take a break.
Breath is the ultimate key to your wellbeing. Done right (with presence and awareness), breathing transforms the whole life; physical, mental, emotional.
Our breathing patterns are a ‘record’ of the stress and anxiety embedded in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
We can learn to restore and revitalise our minds and bodies through breath awareness, re-learn normal patterns of breathing and at the same time release the ‘learned’ stress and anxious thinking that leads to dysregulation, over reactivity, fearfulness, stress and anxiety and depression. Once restored to normal function…breathing becomes the therapeutic tool to maintain calm, emotional balance and general ease, even as we face the inevitable daily challenges life throws at us. We remain anchored at all times when we learn to release and relax through regular breathing practices
Become aware of your life energy and life intelligence in the form of your body signals and the many ways you can learn to redirect your experience- for example from stress to calm, unpleasant to peaceful and open the doorway to understanding how to be so present in your body you recognise the inevitable energy shift throughout the day, recognise when negative energy in the form of news cycles, gossip, external sounds, inner negative thoughts etc. are creating a downward spiral into a negative mood or a sense of flatness.
Balancing the Nervous System
Familiarise yourself with a closer connection to your thoughts and feelings and know when to intercept (for example-stop reliving unhappy events from the past-giving it fuel so that it overwhelms your nervous system and generates anxiety in mind and body)
During this day we will be looking carefully at the basic neuroscience; how purposefully connecting with the body’s self-calming para-sympathetic nervous system leads to-lower stress and anxiety, increased attention and mental clarity, improved social and emotional intelligence and a host of other life-enhancing benefits.
By establishing your own Mindfulness practice and the fundamental understanding of how mindful breathing works from a more scientific point of view, you will build the foundation needed to effectively manage your own nervous system and how to deal with the unavoidable stresses and unplanned events of everyday life.
This is an interactive course covering theory, activities and practices. You will have opportunity to deepen the connection to your natural intuition and be empowered by the discovery that you can self-manage your thoughts and emotions.
Too often we are swept along by the demands of the world. We are trained from a young age to ‘fit in’ to follow the prescribed formula towards life success- get an education, get a career, get married, get a family, get a high paying job so you can afford what is considered the ‘good things’ in life; money, prestige, material possessions. And there is nothing wrong with that in itself but when it comes at the cost of losing connection to your inner life intelligence, valuing qualities of kindness, compassion, gratitude and self-respect we start to see how the seed of doubt and unrest is planted in us and we struggle to conform to the worlds demands at the same time as we are losing a connection to ourselves- to listening deeply to our needs and observations of the world, losing touch with our instinctual self- the part of us that goes with the biggest yes and listens to the biggest no and takes action from a place o life intelligence. When we are slotted into the robotic ways of the world- we lose touch with this deeper knowing- unless we recognise and take action to find a way to operate in the world while still staying connected to our life intelligence.
Increasingly the environment itself is filled with noise and distractions, continuous news and advertising cycles, social media that has an often negative impact on many people who are addicted to it, the external noise of living- traffic, sirens, motorways, aircraft etc we start to get a deeper understanding of what is driving the increasing mental health issues- dominated by stress, anxiety and depression that are rampant today. The nervous system is overwhelmed, the mind and body are in a state of hyper-vigilance constantly looking for or interpreting external and internal signals negatively. The nervous system has defaulted to the fight/flight state 24/7 so that there is never a time of deep restorative rest- even during sleep.
Breathing for Balance offers you an uncomplicated understanding of why it is so important, for many people even urgent, to recognise the triggers that are actively hijacking your nervous system and learn the simple strategies to heal and restore your nervous system back to a state of balance and further, teaches you the simple strategies to maintain mental and emotional equilibrium- even as the inevitable pressures of life pile on top of you. We learn to recognise the moment we start to escalate into the stress response and actively intervene by shifting our awareness from the catastrophising thoughts that are piling up to the body’s sensations. When you are in the senses- you can’t think putting a stop of the escalation of catastrophising…what if’s.
Even young children are increasingly showing symptoms of stress and anxiety even panic attacks as the pressure to ‘fit in’ ‘be the best’ is unconsciously loaded onto their undeveloped minds not to mention the secondary stress they pick up from their parents.
Without the awareness that it is only ourselves who can be aware of and manage the noise of living, the constant demands on our attention, the time-poor way we live because every available minute is taken up with doing and distraction.
When we finally burnout and have to stop, have to rest, have to break the habitual addictions of devices and news cycles- this is often the only time people are willing to look at where change needs to be made to restore, recover health and wellbeing and balance.
Central to restoring balance is having an understanding of the behaviors and pressures that lead to burnout, stress and anxiety in the first place.
This is why at the core of mindful breathing, one of the first steps is to develop present moment awareness. Why is that? Because too often people are conditioned to be going over the past too much, dreaming off into the future- either fearfully or hopefully and all the time missing the present moment. One of the great secrets of living is, drumroll: There are no problems in the present moment.
Let’s look at that. When we intentionally develop an active relationship to the present, we start to recognise a lot of the stress and anxiety is coming from the endless thoughts and interpretations of events around us- not necessarily true. In fact often not true.
Take for example a negative thought pops into your mind…the what if’s this happens, that happens etc. At the present moment none of these things have happened. The mind is speculating and building stress on an imaginary event. Sure some of these things may very well come to pass but is it helpful weakening your nervous system before the event has even happened? So we have the primary thought and then the thought multiplies, lets say with secondary effects (the brains negative default mode)- more worries multiply leaving you feeling anxious, afraid and drained- yet in reality nothing has happened or changed since you started catastrophising a singular thought that has led to you feel stressed, anxious and afraid of the future.
It’s these secondary thoughts, otherwise known as feeling tones where we can develop a level of attention and presence that when the mind starts to catastrophise with these negative thoughts, stories and feelings. In the Breathing for Balance course we train ourselves to intervene, put a stop to this learned behaviour of fearful thinking, imagining the worst outcomes, and start to ‘reprogram‘ ourselves to a simpler, less stressful way of being.
Fortunately, in recent years, research into the vagus nerve- a central nerve in the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, has revealed how healing can take place and emotional resilience can be intentionally cultivated. Ongoing stress , anxiety and depression has the effect of impacting negatively on the vagus nerve and reducing resilience and the ability to ‘bounce back’ from the inevitable shocks life throws at us. Over time, due to continued shocks, stress, perceived and real stress and fears (often self-generated through lack of safety, belonging, self-criticism etc) the vagus nerve learns to react to stress and anxiety and danger by going into freeze mode and losing the resilience to take life ‘knocks’ and bounce back. When this becomes a chronic state it is hard to relearn and restrengthen the flexibility of this nerve to ‘bounce back’. Through Porges research we now have a series of vagal toning exercises designed to assist the release of stored stress and anxiety patterns and over time healing takes place to restore vagal tone.
In this course we will learn to recognise when we are going into anxious thinking, intervening by shifting our attention to the listening, feeling the physical sensations, intentionally breathing in a steady way. This is a well-known strategy to interrupt, put a stop to catastrophising thinking and reacting. In the Breathing for Balance course we train ourselves to simply be present and allowing (not feeding and making grow bigger) the inevitable negative interpretation of events, people, circumstances and that will eventually heal the nervous system of its learned fearfulness, stress and anxiety patterns. They can be eliminated once recognised and applying age-old strategies that lead to calm, emotional and mental balance and overall wellbeing.
Rita Riccola is one of New Zealand’s leading mindfulness trainers. Hundreds of individuals including school teachers, life coaches, psychologists and counsellors in both New Zealand and Australia has taken her 2 day mindfulness facilitation course to date. She have provided staff training for numerous schools across New Zealand to help integrating mindfulness practice to the curriculum. She is a former teacher and a trained mindfulness teacher with 28 yrs experience who has completed courses with Mindful Schools USA and attended many Mindfulness retreats. These courses are designed to meet the growing need in all sectors to offer Mindfulness training.
“This course has taught me so much about Mindfulness and the positive benefits that I have experienced from practicing mindfulness daily has forever changed my life. I am able to self-regulate myself and when faced with challenging situations I can take a moment and explore my thoughts and feeling and act more approapotatly. The two-day workshop was exceptional, and Rita is an absolute wealth of knowledge and I thank her for teaching me”.Sarah P.
“I got so much out of this mindfulness course. Thank you Rita for expanding my knowledge of mindfulness. I definitely started this journey at exactly the right time”.Janelle D.
“Thank you Rita for providing such a thorough course in Mindfulness. This has come at exactly the right time for me as I look towards a less cluttered lifestyle, on the physical plane as well as the emotional and spiritual. Thank you once again,
Anne C.
“I’ve really loved this course – both the online component and the two day course, I’m so grateful I’ve learnt these empowering new tools. THANK YOU :-)”
Natalie E. Auckland, NZ
“The 8 week course has allowed me to re connect with the person I used to be and ignite my passion to forge forward, to help others find their passion, peace, connection and love within themselves. So they too, can help others to find their way in life. Thank you for this experience and training”REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE
Sia, Sydney, AUS
Part of the training is a 8 week online course that you can do in your own time. This component is part of the accreditation and will help you to establish (or deepen) your personal practice by weekly engaging lessons and keeping a daily journal.
BREATHING FOR BALANCE- 1 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 9 December 2023
Saturday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $195
Including: 8 week online course
Payment plans available.
Make A Booking
Choose dates for Zoom trainings:
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 22-23 November 2023
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
Weekend Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 2-3 December 2023
Saturday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Sunday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 12-13 December 2023
Tuesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
Weekend Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 13-14 January 2024
Saturday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Sunday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 24-25 January 2024
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 14-15 February 2023
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, A Mindfulness Facilitators Package, tools and resources and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
4 Week Option
-Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 17 February-2 March 2024
This option covers the same material as the 2 day training but is divided into 4 weekly 2 hour sessions for people who can’t take the time off for the 2 days intensive or prefer shorter sessions with time in between to digest and practice.
Saturdays: 9.00am-11.00am (NSW Time)
2 hour zoom sessions on 17, 24 February, 2, 9 March
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 6-7 March 2024
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 26-27 March 2024
Tuesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 29-30 April 2024
Monday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Tuesday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
Weekend Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 25-26 May 2024
Saturday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Sunday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 29-30 May 2024
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 12-13 June 2024
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
2 Day Virtual Interactive Zoom Course 26-27 June 2024
Wednesday: 9.30am-2.30pm (NSW Time)
Thursday: 9.30am-2.30pm
(There will be breaks for lunch and afternoon tea).
Cost: $445
Including: 8 week online course, Teaching Manual, lesson plans and ongoing support.
Payment plans available.
Choose dates for face-to-face trainings:
No face to face courses available at the moment.
Learn how to purposefully connect with the body’s natural calming system and experience relief from stress & anxiety
An 8 Week online course is included in the 1 day training
As the benefits from daily mindfulness training are becoming more widely recognised, there is a growing demand for courses that can teach these techniques in an easy to understand and practical way.
The course covers all the mindfulness techniques; how to connect with the sensation in the body, using the breath to access the body’s natural calming system and much more.
In this course that you can do in your own time we learn to put the spotlight of awareness on thoughts and patterns of reactivity and recognise that we have a choice of where we put our attention as well as knowing we can shift attention, especially when trapped in negative self-talk, unhelpful thinking patterns, this is the doorway to inner freedom.
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