Rewire Your Brain

Learn To Push The “Pause Button” on the Busy Mind


Give Yourself a Break to Relax & Rejuvenate


Deepen the contact within together with like-minded people in a beautiful setting


Join us for a day of mindfulness training online.
The course is held using Zoom and provides you with an opportunity to learn strategies to decrease stress and anxiety and increase overall wellbeing and connection to yourself, others and the world around..

Mindfulness helps us develop a new relationship to ourselves and our inner lives. It is a way of being, bringing increased awareness to all aspects of our lives; more presence, increased curiosity and acceptance of life circumstances.

Humans have the unique ability to train attention by shifting attention either involuntarily (when we hear a loud bang) or voluntarily (when we meditate of focus on one thing). This mechanism is the key to understanding and applying mindfulness in our lives- to enrich our lives with the knowledge that we can choose where to put our attention rather than feel entrapped by thoughts and feelings that often feel like they are controlling us.

In this one day course we learn to establish a new vital relationship with ourselves (our thoughts and feelings), others and the world around us.

There is no right or wrong in mindfulness. You bring to the practice your intention, attention and the attitude of giving it your best shot.Your inner life of thoughts and feelings is the material you have to work with so there is no comparing or striving to get it right.

Allowing everything to be as it is

The more you cultivate the awareness of allowing everything be as it is, the quicker you come to a state of calm acceptance, free flow of your life experiences and begin to observe thoughts and feelings as a curious scientist rather than judging good or bad.
In turn, the more you drop expectations and allow yourself to come in contact with simply being, you will automatically begin to relax more mentally and physically.

No striving

When we give up striving, grasping, judging and trying it is enormously freeing. More spaciousness opens up inside of us to be present to each and every moment in a new and vivid way. Over time, with regular practice we find we are more aware of the sensations in our bodies and thoughts and feelings as they naturally arise, shift and change all throughout the day. We become more anchored in the body and more present in the moment and aware when the bossy inner chatter focus’on negative thoughts and feelings. Practice strengthens our ability to recognis this and shift attention.

Be open and curious and kind to yourself

Mindfulness isn’t about not thinking, it’s about observing our thoughts and feelings and over time, becoming more aware of underlying patterns that are often fixed and robotic.

Give up knowing anything about mindfulness or meditation and come to the practices with a beginners mind. This way you will be receptive to whatever experience arises in the moment without referencing the past or the future. if you have never done this before. It is a refreshing approach to life and brings you more fully into the present moment in a vivid way. It cultivates a curiosity about life itself.

There will be a few brief discourses were we will look into:
• Negative self-talk and how to reverse it (self-acceptance and forgiveness)
• Facing ourselves in 100% honesty- recognising patterns of thinking and behaving based on hurt, loss, misunderstandings etc.

As well as:
• Practices for self-compassion and compassion for others.
• Practices that actively connect us to the balancing energy of the earth and the environment.

About Being Present

Being present releases us from the grip of anxious thinking, worrying, telling ourselves often scary stories about what might or could happen. Being present brings us in contact with a vibrant state of being engaged and connected to life itself and we recognise how much of our life we have missed with the endless habit of thinking. It is a deeply satisfying and balancing feeling to be fully present.

In this course you will have an opportunity to start your own mindfulness practice and be empowered by the discovery that you can self-manage your thoughts and emotions.

It doesn’t matter if you never meditated or done one mindfulness exercise in your life, this retreat is for anyone who are moved to establish or deepen their own mindfulness practice and to improve focus, mental resilience and find more emotional and mental balance in their life.

Benefits such as:

  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • Better self-management
  • Less reactivity
  • Improved mental resilience
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Better memory
  • Increased attention and focus
  • Better conflict resolution skills

are common and expectable result from regular Mindfulness practice.

An Eight Week Self-Paced Online Course To Establish a Regular Mindfulness Practice

When you register for the one day course you also get an eight weeks mindfulness online course with guiding audios.
This course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms that underpin mindfulness widespread success and application as well as the practices and additional information that will help you establish a regular practice.

The course quickly introduces you to the powerful mindfulness techniques that are helping individuals from all walks of life to have more balance and focus in their lives.
You will learn and deepen your practice week by week by going through the lessons, listening to guiding audios, watching some videos and keeping a daily journal.
You will see for yourself that the ability to focus on one thing at a time is the best skill you ever learn

Cost for this 1 day Course is $195 NZD including the 8 week online course.

Click The button below to register now and secure your seat at the retreat and get immediate access to the online course.

“With Mindfulness training you are not adding to your knowledge in the
traditional sense – you are in fact removing some of the mental clutter
that is holding you back from being naturally mindful and in a state of
equilibrium”.Rita Riccola


A one day online course with Rita Riccola suitable for beginners.

Including an Eight Week Mindfulness Online Course


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About the Trainer


Rita Riccola

Rita Riccola

Rita Riccola is one of New Zealand’s leading mindfulness trainers with 30 yrs experience of meditation and mindfulness. She is regularly running courses in mindfulness for professionals and anyone who want to learn these empowering techniques.


“Rita is a fabulous facilitator – she made us feel extremely comfortable, was open minded and encouraged us all to share from our diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. I came away with many very practical, easy to use exercises …Thank you Rita for gifting me such a wonderful and enjoyable afternoon of learning”.Louise Dore, Auckland

“I found Rita’s expert and gentle facilitating a wonderful way to explore mindfulness personally, whilst also guiding me to share mindfulness with others”.Suzanne Henwood, Auckland

“ Thank you for offering this course, it has been a blessing in my life.”
Nicky M, Gold Coast
“ I’ve learnt that you can choose to change. The interaction between participants was especially valuable”
Jen, Sydney

Make A Booking

Choose a Date

1 Day Online Course 6 July 2024

Saturday: Start 9.00pm (NSW Time)
End 2.30pm

There will breaks for lunch and individual practice throughout the day.
Cost: $195 NZD
including an 8 week online mindfulness course
There are discounts and payment plans available.

Limited to 15 people
10 seats left

Why Mindfulness?

Evidence based results from around the world continue to show that the regular practise of Mindfulness has ongoing benefits for physical and mental health. Research over the past few decades has found that Mindfulness training helps to;


Relieve Anxiety & Stress

In our fast paced lives, where we rush from one demand to another, there is very little time or space to stop and pause. Mindfulness offer the tools needed to connect with our inner intelligence, where we can access natural calmness beneath the busy minds.


Let go of Anger & Frustration

Coming in contact with your direct experience in the mindful state allows us to become familiar with the patterns that direct our lives; our thoughts, emotions and reactions.



Pain is an inevitable part of being human but suffering is optional. In Mindfulness we learn how to manage our thoughts and emotions instead of letting emotions and thoughts manage us.



Aimless thinking and inner chatter is draining our energy and clouding over the present moment. One of the most common benefits from regular Mindfulness training is greater mental clarity and a new sense of inner peace.


Have Better Sleep

To be able stop incessant thinking and worrying is one of the great benefits of Mindfulness and it makes it easier to sleep in and have unbroken sleep throughout the night.



Mindfulness practices increasingly bring you more into the present with the growing awareness that going over the past keeps you stuck in the past.


Related Courses

Start Practising Mindfulness
Self-Paced Online Course
Learn the effective mindfulness techniques that are helping individuals from all walks of life to have more balance and focus in their lives.

Bring Mindfulness to the Classroom
For teachers and consultants who want to introduce mindfulness to their students, children and staff.