Custom Designed Workplace Training

How to Lead Yourself, Your Team and Your Organisation to a Better Work Environment

Mindfulness in the Workplace : Unlocking Team Potential and Developing Mental and Emotional Resilience for Employees.

Our work pay the bills, occupy much of our time and can even give our lives purpose. But it can also be a source of stress: tight deadlines, long days and difficult conversations.

Cultivating connection, co-operation and employee wellbeing are at the core of a healthy workplace.

Purposefully focusing attention on the mental and emotional wellbeing of employees cultivates a caring environment where employees are acknowledged and valued, leading to better relationships and outcomes for the business and for the workers.

As the employer, this sends the message to your employees you care- about their wellbeing-beyond productivity and outcomes.
Mental and emotional issues as well as work relationships are a leading cause of sick leave and workplace dissatisfaction.

Providing a robust, evidence-based, mindfulness training offering practical tools and strategies that are accessible for all (leaders, managers, employees, owners) to create a culture of caring and launch your wellbeing program with clear, defined objectives and outcomes.


• Increase ability to recognise and manage difficult thoughts and feelings by learning strategies to decrease persistent stressful and anxious thinking.
• Increase connection and positivity between employees
• Decrease reactivity and increase mental and emotional resilience.
• Increase work and life satisfaction and overall wellbeing
• Improve attention and focus
• Improve sleep quality
• Find a better work-life balance.
• Sustainability- how to ensure ongoing engagement in self-care for employees.

Increasingly employees report feeling more stressed, more anxious. Mental and emotional issues are a leading cause of sick leave and burnout. Research into workplace satisfaction and wellbeing showed that stressed workers are less engaged, have reduced productivity, and have higher levels of absenteeism and turnover.

Providing staff with a robust, evidence-based training such as Mindfulness Training for Unlocking Team Potential and Developing Mental and Emotional Resilience begins the process of acknowledging workplace issues, employee issues and providing a proven strategy for positive change.

OUTCOME: Mindfulness is scientifically proven to reduce stress and burnout and improve focus, communication in as little as 10 days. This is ongoing with regular daily practice for as little as 15 minutes a day for self-care.

This training will provide employees with a proven strategy to improve mental health, manage life’s inevitable challenges more effectively, develop better connection between employees and become a foundation of wellbeing in the workplace with the additional. benefits of overall life quality improvement.

This training is not a magic bullet and possibly not all employees will adopt this training however research shows on average 50% will and this in itself, will establish a culture of change, tolerance and foster group and individual wellbeing that is evident to all.

After the initial introduction training to identify issues, address issues and provid proven strategies to correct and change issues, employees will be offered the 8 week online extension training which is simply audios to follow each day for 15 minutes to embed the practice and mindset that underlies this powerful training to begin to experience the many well-documented benefits on a regular basis.

Why establishing a mindful culture is good for business, good for employees.
Mindfulness trains us to focus on our thoughts and feelings before they become chaotic and unmanageable, let go of unhelpful ones, and respond to challenges rationally and calmly.
From a business perspective, this means teams and individuals working together more collaboratively, less competitively, productively — and making better decisions all around. In addition, less sick days and better work environment for all.

But what happens next? How do you turn this progressive, positive-change thinking into reality day to day in your workplace?
This training can be measured by participating employees with a pre- and post assessment which is a great way to know that you, the decision makers, are on the right track and on course.

Contact us to learn more about our workplace programs for teams and management.
• Lunch & Learn
• 1 Hour Introductions (or longer if required).

Contact us to learn more about our workplace programs for teams and management

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Frequently Asked Questions

Mindfulness means “paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn. (Founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

Mindfulness is a way of noticing where your attention is in the present moment without judging it good or bad. It’s about not wandering off into an imagined future or going over the past but fully engaging right here right now.

The ability to focus on one thing at a time is a skill and requires practice. Just as athletes train on a daily basis to maintain fitness and stamina, Mindfulness, which is a mental training, requires regular daily practice to experience the many well documented benefits especially of de-stressing, relaxing the body and generally self-managing in a new and empowering way.

Through guided, simple easy-to-do practisies you are training the mind to be more present in the moment. resulting in it to be less anxious, more alert and alive.

Everyone really and especially anyone

  • Who over-thinks
  • Thinks anxiously as a regular behavior.
  • Stressed people
  • People who engage in constant negative self-talk
  • People who can’t sleep because of incessant inner chatter
  • People who operate on ‘auto-pilot’ and are always ‘on’..
It depends on your experience at the time. Mindfulness isn’t one particular state or experience, but rather a deepening in to the feeling of the experience you are having right at this moment – which could be pleasant or unpleasant. Mindfulness is not designed to change our experiences as much as change our relationship to our experience so it is not so stressful and problematical. One thing is for sure though, you can only experience what mindfulness is like by actually doing it.
Meditation and Mindfulness are very similar the only difference being that Meditation takes many more forms;chanting, mantras as well as breathing and visualisations however Mindfulness meditation is a specific set of exercises that focus exclusively on the five senses.
Many places that run Mindfulness courses do so on a donation basis and are connected to spiritual centers. Mindfulness in New Zealand is an independent group and the trainers pay to live just like everyone else. Everybody needs to be paid for their effort as well as the cost of hiring venues and paying advertising to let people know the courses exist.